The WSM Blog
WSM Featured Alumnus: William Lay
William Lay will graduate from High Point University a year early! “the grace and courtesy instilled at Montessori help me navigate this troubled, contentious world with peace and discernment.”
WSM Featured Alumnus: Dana Leander
“I would like to thank the staff for creating a positive, wonderful and unique environment for learning. One piece of advice is - don’t be afraid to fall and mess up because there are people in your life who are more than willing to help teach and guide you. Winston-Salem Montessori is a wonderful school and the people there are amazing.”
WSM Featured Alumnus: Maya Fitch
“I truly have a love for learning, and have found that I’m not only taking classes because they are required, but because I really want to learn everything that I can. I really enjoy going to school and my classes, and I’m able to stay focused and get all of my work done on time, which I know is something that many people struggle with. “
WSM Featured Alumnus: Ali Cranfill
“I wish that students and parents knew that the education at a Montessori center is of the highest quality. Students are able to learn at their own pace, in a comfortable environment that is connected to nature and others. Once your time at Montessori stops, you will have made life long friends and the transition to traditional schooling is completely doable.”
WSM Featured Alumnus: Virginia Churn
“Something I would like to say to the WSM community, but the faculty and staff especially, is thank you for making my time at WSM so memorable and playing such a big part in influencing my dream of becoming a Montessori Educator.”