Grades 4 - 6, Ages 9 - 12
Upper Elementary
Upper Elementary students extend their studies and go out into the community to use what they have learned. This may come in the form of putting together a science fair project, interviewing a university professor, or planning a group trip to a local historical site. Community service rounds out their Upper Elementary Experience.
Upper Elementary School Day - 8:30am - 3:00pm
Upper Elementary Sunset & Sunrise Before/After School Programs - 7:30am - 6:00pm

A video from the annual Elementary Montessori Journey featuring the voices of the Lower Elementary Community
Children at this age become abstract thinkers, and the curriculum responds to this developmental characteristic. Students are presented with a challenging interdisciplinary curriculum with a key emphasis on project work that moves from the concrete to the abstract. Class trips include overnight experiences. Sixth-grade students plan and implement a four-day trip to New York City, incorporating their study of Fundamental Human Needs.